One afternoon while I was cleaning up my closet, I saw a green shirt with a yellow lining. When I spread it out on the floor it says on the print "32nd Milo Marathon". I smiled. It brought back a nice memory. I was wrong when I said that Nike Run Manila was my first race, it was Milo Marathon!
My professor in P.E. 4 class required us to join this race and everyone should run the 5K distance. Back then, I have no idea how far was that but thinking it is a one digit number I thought to myself that this would be easy, but I was so wrong! This was the race that I got sick after because I was so dead tired and it was raining so hard. I was sickly back then...
Since its first run in 1974, the National MILO® Marathon has now become the biggest running event in the country. It's immense popularity has attracted runners from all age groups to participate, including children. However, a lot of these driven young runners don’t have shoes. Imagine seeing a little boy run kilometer after kilometer of rough cement barefooted. This moving scene inspired us to make this year’s run more meaningful, by giving out running shoes to thousands of underprivileged school children.
Runners in the 21K provincial elimination races will have two ways to qualify and compete
in the 42.195K national finals:a. Male finishing the race within 1:15:00 and female finishing the race within 1:35:00 will qualify and get an all-expense paid trip to Manila. It is their responsibility to contact the race organizer on or before November 15, 2011 to coordinate their trip to Manila. Those who will not compete in the national finals forfeit all their privileges.
To qualify and compete in the national finals, runners in the 42.195K Manila elimination race will have to finish the race within the specified age-bracket and time below:
All expenses related to their participation will be shouldered by the qualifier.
All qualifiers are entitled to the following:
a. free registration fee
b. free ticket to the carbo loading party
c. free running singlets & shorts
Trophies, medals, and cash prizes will be given to the top 10 finishers of the seventeen elimination races and the national finals.
Bonus Prizes for Local Runners
• P50,000 bonus for the first runner who breaks the 2:15:00 invisible time barrier
• P20,000 bonus for the first runner who breaks the 2:18:53 men’s course record of Eduardo Buenavista
• P20,000 bonus for the first female runner who breaks the 2:48:16 women’s course record of Jhoan Banayag
* Finishers in all categories within the cut-off time will receive a certificate of finish.
* Winners must be physically present to receive their awards during the awarding ceremony.
Display your bib number clearly on the front of your singlet at all times during the race. Failure to
do so will result to disqualification.
• The bib color indicates the race category that you are in.
• Please run in the race category for which you are registered.
• If you do not run in your registered race category, your timing will not be considered/counted. It will be deemed that you did not run and you will not receive any medal or certificate of achievement.
• Enter your personal details on the reverse side of the bib (eg. name, emergency, contact number, blood type) with a ballpoint pen or permanent marker. This is essential in the event of any emergency.
• The timing chip is attached to your number bib. If your bib is not attached properly, your time will not be registered.
• Do not fold your number bib otherwise it will damage your timing chip.
• Please step on the electric timing mats at the Start Area and along the race route as this will determine if you have passed through your designated route. Failure to do so will be assumed that you have not completed your full distance, and will result to disqualification.
1. A non-refundable entry fee plus one (1) MILO® sachet empty pack must accompany each accomplished and signed Official Registration Form. RUNNERS WILL RECEIVE THEIR RACE SINGLETS UPON REGISTRATION AND SUBMISSION OF MILO® SACHET.
2. Children who are 7 to 12 years old on RACE DAY are qualified to join the 3K Kiddie Run. They are
required to have their entry form signed by a parent/guardian. They must also submit a photocopy of
their NSO birth certificate or current school ID.
3. Participants in the 5K race categories who are below 18 years old must have their entry form signed by
a parent/guardian.
4. Runners in the 10K, 21K & 42.195K race categories must be 18 years old on race day.
5. Participants may claim their Official Race Packets (containing the official race number with timing chip
attached, safety pins, and route map) upon complete registration. Race number with timing chip
attached is non-transferable.
6. The reverse side of the race number must be duly filled up. Participants must wear the assigned race
number on his/her chest. Participants not wearing a race number will be taken off the course by the race
7. Pets, bicycles, motorcycles, vehicles and any other wheel-run objects are not allowed on the course
other than the official race and medical vehicles.
8. Participants being paced during the race by a person who is not officially registered in the 35th
National MILO® Marathon and accepting assistance from non-race participants will be disqualified.
9. Participants who begin before the actual start time of his/her race category will be disqualified.
Participants who do not start within 10 minutes from respective flag off will be disqualified and may
not be allowed to start. No result will be given to disqualified runners.
10. “Gun Time” will be considered to determine the winners. Elite runners are advised to stay in front.
11. Participants must retire from the race immediately if asked or requested to do so by any member of
the organizing committee. Race officials, marshals, medical staff, and security officers have the right to
pull-out any runner found not physically fit to continue the race.
12. METRO MANILA QUALIFIERS in the 42.195K race AND PROVINCIAL QUALIFIERS in the 21K race CAN NO LONGER COMPETE IN ANY OF THE ELIMINATION RACES. They will not be accepted even in the shorter distance races. They may only compete in the full marathon national finals.
13. ALL WINNERS IN THE 21K, 10K, 5K, AND 3K RACES (top 10 male and female) CAN NO LONGER COMPETE IN ANY SUCCEEDING MILO® MARATHON ELIMINATION RACES. However, they (excluding the qualifiers) can compete in the 21K, 10K, 5K, and 3K races of the national finals.
14. The organizers reserves the right to reject any entrant or disqualify any participant who is suspected to
be under the influence of alcohol or having taken banned substances and any participant who is found to have misrepresented himself/herself. If his/her identity of eligibility is challenged, it is the responsibility of the participant to prove who he/she really is. Participants found to have been dishonest are immediately disqualified and subjected to disciplinary sanctions by the race organizer.
12. All protests related to results must be made in writing and submitted within one (1) hour after the end
of the race to the race organizer. A non-refundable protest fee amounting to P5,000 is required. Verbal
protests will not be entertained.
13. The organizer may change without prior notice any of the rules and regulations that they deem
necessary to ensure the success of the race.
14. The organizer’s decision is final.
Water Stations
Water is available at the Start Area, every 2km mark and at the Finish Area.
Fruit Stations
Bananas are available along Buendia and Macapagal Avenue.
Portalets are found at the Start/Finish area and along the race route.
Health Advise
Runners are advised to seek for medical help if they feel unwell during the race. Please do not leave the race area. Approach any race course official and an ambulance will arrive shortly.
Baggage Deposit (for 10K/21K/42K)
For baggage deposit services, present your baggage tag found at your number bib. The baggage deposit area will be at the activity area near the Start/Finish area. Please do not deposit any valuable items. The race organizers will not be liable for any loss or damage. The baggage area will close at exactly 3:00pm.
Parking Notice
Runners can park at designated parking areas around the Mall of Asia grounds.
Special Drink Stations
Special drinks are available at every 2km mark exclusive for 10k, 21k and 42k runners.
Medical Stations / Ambulances
Medical aid is available at every 2km mark and at the Finish Area. Ambulances will also be patrolling along the race route to ensure the welfare of the runners.
KM Markers
Markers are placed alongside every water station.
Sponge Stations
Sponges are available along Roxas Boulevard, Buendia, Lawton and Macapagal Avenue.
Weather: Temperature
Manila temperature forecast on July 31 will range from 240 - 300C, while on December 11 it will range from 220 - 290C. Please stay tuned on local news broadcasts the night before the race for possible changes in weather.
Side Events
To keep the runners entertained, a cheer dance competition and other fun-filled activities will be held at the activity area after the race. Participating schools will also get the chance to win cash prizes at the Biggest School Delegation Competition and the Inter-school Running Competition.
Runners in all categories who cross the
finish line within the time limit will
receive a finisher’s certificate.
Upon completion of the race, runners in
the 21K and 42K category will receive a
finisher’s medal.
Runners who complete the 42K race will
receive a specially designed finisher’s
Finishers in the 21K and 42K race will
also receive special lootbags from Milo.RACE RESULTS
Full race results will be posted on the MILO® website 2 days after the race. Visit
The night before the race
• Prepare your running clothes and equipment (iPod, cap, gels, water bottle, etc.) the night before to make sure you have everything ready already.
• Check your running shoes to make sure they are ok and that your laces are good as well.
• Trim your toenails the night before to make sure they don't become a problem on race day!
• Drink plenty of water the day before the race -- enough so you need to urinate before you go to bed.
• Make sure to get enough sleep to keep your energy during the race. Running on just a few hours of sleep is NOT RECOMMENDED (think low-bat)! All the race preparation and training will be wasted if you don't get enough sleep before race day.
The day of the race
• Wake up early enough to take care of everything you must do (eat and drink, visit the bathroom, dress, etc.)
• Use a lubricant product like petroleum jelly and cover body areas susceptible to chafing.
• Double check that you have your race kit.
• Leave early for the race so you’ll have enough time to park and do last minute preparations. You can expect parking to be far from the race venue so plan the walking time from the parking to the starting line.
• Warm up and loosen up well before the race.
Food and hydration
• Eat a light meal an hour to an hour and a half before the race. Bread, pasta, rice, water and non-acidic fruit like bananas are good choices.
• Avoid dairy products, fried foods, fiber rich foods or anything your are not used to. A good rule of thumb is -- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK SOMETHING YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED BEFORE. This includes electrolyte drinks or energy gels that are given out for free.
• You can eat a light snack like crackers or a piece of bread or fruit up to 30 minutes before the race. Be sure to wash it down with water.
• You can pre-hydrate yourself until 15 minutes before the race starts. Just be sure to go to the restroom before the start and flush it out.
• Avoid the urge to “sprint with the pack” during the start of the race. Stick to your regular or planned pace.
• If you can find a running “buddy” that will run with the same pace as you, go ahead and do so. Runners with “pace buddies” have a higher chance of success in accomplishing their goal.
Water Stations
• Try not to pass up any water stations. Drink or take a sip even if you are not thirsty. Feeling “thirsty” is the body’s way of telling you that IT IS ALREADY dehydrated.
• Unless you are doing a half or full marathon, you don’t need to take energy gels, bars or the like. If you do take energy supplements, make sure to chase it down with a sip of water.
Stay Loose and Relaxed
• Be sure to shake out your arms and shoulders every now and then to avoid upper body muscle tightness. Be conscious of your posture as well as avoid slouching during the latter part of the race.
Don't Forget to Enjoy the Run!
• Sometimes we get caught up on establishing a personal record (PR) or a target time that we forget to enjoy the run! Take time to enjoy the spectators, participants, and the scenery. Stop negative thoughts dead on their tracks and change them to positive affirmations. Think about how proud family members and friends will be of you and your accomplishment. If you encounter a difficullt hill in the race, look at it in a positive light. See the hill as an opportunity to exercise different muscles, giving tired ones a breather.
• If you feel some form of pain during your run, slow down and have a feel of how bad it really is. If it seems to be going away, then go ahead and resume your pace. However, of the pain persists and/or even increases in pain as you continue to run, seriously consider stopping and getting some help. Pain is the body’s way of letting us know something is wrong. No race is worth the risk of hurting yourself by continuing to run and causing a minor injury to turn into a major setback.
Post Race Considerations
• Immediately hydrate after you cross the finish line.
• Decide if you need to see a medical specialist if you feel something “off” with your body.
• Take care of blisters, wounds, cramping or any other injuries right away.
• Immediately restore your glycogen stores with a healthy and nutritious meal, preferably good in carbs.
• DO NOT DRINK BEER OR ALCOHOL RIGHT AWAY! After pushing your body, what it needs right away is a nutritious meal and water to replenish all that it lost during the race.
• Stretch thoroughly (Cool Down) within 20 minutes of completing your event to avoid lactic acid build up and Delayed Onset Muscular Soreness (DOMS).
Who is Coach Jim Saret?

- Sports and Fitness Science Specialist
- Olympic Athletic Trainer
- Performance Enhancement Specialist
- Speed, Agility and Quickness Coach
- Sports Medicine Specialist
- Fitness Writer / Columnist
- Sports and Fitness Radio and T.V. Host
- Athletic Consultant, Department of Education, Culture and Sports – BPESS
- Sports and Fitness Writer, Philippine Daily Inquirer
- Fitness Host, Ch. 2’s “Ala Sinco y Medya” Weekend Edition
- Fitness – Conditioning Tips Host, Ch. 9’s “The Basketball Show”
- Elite Athletic Performance Enhancement (trained and worked with Elite Olympic, Professional and NCAA Division 1Athletes in the U.S; worked with the Utah Jazz; Sports Medicine Team Member at BYU, USA (NCAA Div 1); Biomechanical Thesis Published in the U.S. Journal of Athletic Training; Certified and trained in the latest techniques in training Olympic Level Athletes; considered as the MasterTrainer in the Philippines (trainer of trainers) by Men’s Health Magazine, Manila Standard Today, DZ Sports Radio, DZMM, ABS-CBN, etc.)
- Biomechanical Movement Anaylsis
- Injury Prevention
- Sports Medicine
- Exercise Physiology (VO2max, Lactic Acid, etc)
- Posture Analysis (muscle imbalance)
- Pre / Post -Testing
- Speed, Agility and Quickness Training
- Functional Strength Training
- Power Training
- Scientific Sports Training
- Emergency Care
- Injury Rehabilitation
Specialization: ATHLETIC TRAINING (Philipppines) B.S. UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES, Manila. 1992
Major: PRE-MED
TENNIS PROFILE: Tennis Scholarship, Brigham Young University (NCAA Division 1)
- Champion, Various Open tournaments in the U.S.
- Member, Philippine Junior Tennis Team
- Ranked in the top 4, Philippine Juniors
- Ranked in the Top-16, Philippine Men’s Open
- National Tennis Champion
- Competed in Various International Tennis Tournaments
- Member, UP Diliman UAAP Team
- National UAAP Champions 1989
National Academy for Sports Medicine (U.S.A.) SPEED AND AGILITY SPECIALIST (SAQ), 2005
National Endurance and Sports Trainers Association
National Endurance and Sports Trainers Association
- Athletic Scholarship (Tennis), Brigham Young University, 1994
- Dean’s List of Highest Honors, GPA of 4.0, Utah Valley State College, 1993
- UAAP Champions (Men’s Lawn Tennis) 1990 Philippine Tennis Team, Juniors (Top-4 in Philippine Juniors)
For more info and for registration details, please visit
Good Vibes everyone and Sweet Running! ^_^